Breaking barriers: Asian weightlifter & public speaker.
Ever noticed that discomfort and growth often go hand in hand?
Earlier this year, I set out my vision board. Roy Chan is one of my inspirations.

My vision is to lift 300 lbs in 2023! Another vision is to be a confident, sunny Asian public speaker. Both are important because they represent a different visage, in which Asian men can be strong, lean and confident. As discussed in last week’s blog, the public speaker vision has been manifested.
With just five weeks left of the year, how could it get to 300 lbs?
Throughout the fall, I deadlifted up to 265 lbs with ease. Something magical happened when I brought it up to my trainer and gym buddy this Friday. I have been training consistently 4x a week, and I’m willing to hustle and dive to the dream.
We did the usual warm-up and mobility exercises. They are super important to get the foundation. I lifted 155 lbs x 5 as a warm-up set. Easy peacy. Then, I did some pull-ups to round out the set.
Breaking the Mental Barrier of Failure: I lifted 205 x 5 and 255 lbs x 5 for the second and third sets. It's a familiar, typical limit I experienced recently.
I did another 45-lb pull-up but failed at the 3rd trial.
I accepted it and moved on — my growth journey in the past three years.
My trainer kept the atmosphere casual and suggested adding another 40 lbs to the trap bar. I said let's try it. I told myself not to get intimidated by the numbers. I reminded myself of all the growth I experienced in the past three years.
Proper posture produces strength and stability. When I lift clean, I prevent injury.
I set my stance and grab the floor with my toes like shredding paper, with deep inhalation embracing my tight core, and I don't ache my back.
Take off and trust yourself!
I put on some chalk. I lifted it;
I did 295 lbs!
I broke my mental barrier for 12 months!
I could feel the heaviness, but it was manageable. I had to readjust the lift to gain more control. Milan encouraged me to keep going as I gained more momentum. I feel powerful. I felt like I had shed my old self. It feels like "a rising tide lifts all boats."
Then Milan asked, “Do you want to hit 300 lbs today rather than wait until the year's end?” 🤯
I'm like, “Ummmmm, sure! We added 2.5 lbs on each side. I tried to set up the stance again.
Milan surprised me and took the phone to record the moment!
I told myself, “Oops, Elliot, the spotlight is on. Don't screw it up.” But just like I did as a public speaker, I told myself NOT to worry about the spotlight. Just be me. I took some deep diaphragmatic breaths to calm my fight-or-flight.
I lifted the first rep! It’s at 300 lbs! The camera spotlight motivated me to focus on the present energy. I kept my concentration and went forward until I finished my 5th rep!
It didn't feel heavy.
It felt like I was lifting a generation.
It feels like I'm lifting myself.
I lifted off my goal of 300 lbs.
It didn't feel impossible anymore!
I can feel the smiling and struggling!
I'm capable and lost. I feel powerful and vulnerable. I feel successful and traumatized.
I become a better self — A better leader, a better neighbour, and a better speaker.
It’s okay to want more, but being happy with my presence is also essential. It’s possible to hold space for both. That’s growth, and I broke my barrier — the barrier I labelled myself.
It’s also possible to be a weightlifter and a public speaker, in which I use my voice to inspire and empower others.
This 300-pound accomplishment marked a significant personal milestone, breaking a self-labelled mental barrier and helping me become a better leader and speaker.
See you next week.
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